Robert Turnbull Robert Turnbull

Robert Turnbull

Rob started doing Biblical Storytelling after seeing a video cover and mistakenly thinking that it was an actor performing John's Gospel word-for-word. He thought that he should learn Mark's Gospel and perform it as a busker in Melbourne's CBD. Without any acting training (or ability!) and with only the aid of a 2nd hand acting book, he didn't get very far. His then love-interest (now wife Simone) mentioned that her friend Simon was thinking of a project with a similar concept. Since then, Rob has been part of Biblical Storytelling productions of 'Mark', 'Daniel', 'Esther' and 'Elijah' - whilst taking every opportunity to tell a Bible story when anyone would listen. He currently is working as a full-time Biblical Storyteller with the Backyard Bard.

Click here to see Rob's personal page on the Backyard Bard website

Daniel Farrugia Daniel Farrugia

Daniel Farrugia

Daniel has been Biblical storytelling for years, and just telling stories for much longer. He loves the opportunity to share the stories of the Bible with people who thought they knew them, but, as he finds in his own reading, there's always something new to learn. During the day he's an optometrist, but he's learning to play the banjo, and is heavily involved with youth ministry through the church. He likes the words "plethora" and "vestibule" and dislikes the word "synergy."

Jessica Berry Jessica Berry

Jessica Berry

Jessica has been an avid public bible reader since her early teens when a local talent scout (her minister) found out she was quite good and didn't do 'the holy voice'! She loves the energy and life that is in the Bible, is committed to the proclamation of Scripture, and has an appreciation of the dramatic arts - so it was a natural conclusion then, when upon the discovery that all three of these loves could be combined in a most excellent fashion, Jessica jumped at doing this herself. She has done a number of story-tellings at her University (Monash) as part of Christian Union gatherings, with this being her first ensemble story-telling. She enjoys practicing her evil laugh and aspires one day to become the arch-nemesis of a super-hero.

Maree Salvador Maree Salvador

Maree Salvador

Hi everyone, my name's Maree and this is my second involvement in a Backyard Bard show. There is a verse in Ephesians that says Paul's call and passion is to 'make plain to everyone' the mystery of God and his message. I can relate to that passion and that's why I love being part of biblical storytelling. Listening & watching the stories being told rather than reading them can bring clarity and understanding especially in a story like Elisha that seems to be a random collection of events, sometimes not even connected! I think it gives people a chance to sit and listen and absorb visually the wonder of who God is and what he is like.
I just love being part of this!
Hope to meet as many of you as possible at the shows!