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Rob started doing Biblical Storytelling after seeing a video cover and mistakenly thinking that it was an actor performing John's Gospel word-for-word. He thought that he should learn Mark's Gospel and perform it as a busker in Melbourne's CBD. Without any acting training and with only the aid of a 2nd hand acting book, he didn't get very far. His then love-interest (now wife Simone) mentioned that her friend Simon was thinking of a project with a similar concept. Since then, Rob has been part of The Backyard Bard's productions of 'Daniel', 'Esther' and 'Elijah' - whilst taking every opportunity to tell a Bible story when anyone would listen.

Contact Rob: 0422 544 511


Storytelling Presentations on Offer

Stories Told So Far

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SELECT id FROM `Story` WHERE (id != 0) AND ((`storyteller`=403)) ORDER BY dateFirstTold%20DESC

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    Mysql result empty
    #0 MysqlResult_FetchSormObject(, Story) called at [/home/thebackyardbard/thebackyardbard.com/rob/index.php:62]